Summer skincare tips and remedies

Hi Everyone,

I am back after along time! Summer is almost over now in most parts of the world but here in Dubai its just beginning.  As always, I have braced myself to beat the tan this summer too as I have done in the last 20 or so summers in my life. I can’t remember the summers before that as I was just a lil girl playing outdoors and dint know tan existed. In this post I will be discussing my summer ready DIYs which have worked for me.

Before sun exposure and while you are outside:

I would like to start by highlighting the precautions  we all need to take while going out in summers. The first and most important step is to obviously use a sunscreen and follow all the instructions like applying it 20 minutes before sun exposure and reapplying every 4 hours. This is an absolute must. Secondly, avoid going outdoors between 10 am to 2 pm, in case you have to, use a cap/hat/stole/umbrella to cover your face and avoid direct sun exposure. In order to cool down you can spritz your face with rose water or lavender water.

As soon as your back home:

Ice-cubes/ cold water rinse:

You can rinse your face with cold water and a mild cleanser. I usually freeze cucumber juice and green tea or just plain old rose water into ice cubes and rub them over my face.

You can read all about rose water here: Rose water love!

Cleansing scrub:


After cleansing your face, you may use a sugar and honey scrub with a few drops of lemon juice and almond oil. Massage this mixture in your face gently for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. In case you have naturally oily skin, you can avoid the almond oil. Make sure you massage in circular upward motions.

Face mask:

You can refer to any of my earlier blogs and make an easy and quick face mask to apply on your face. This can be done everyday as these masks use milk powder or naturals clays or chickpea/gram flour and do not contain chemicals.

Kaolin clay and green tea mud mask

Besan Bounty!

Besan Bounty – Part 2

Feel free to explore my blog and check out the other DIY recipes and remedies.

Bye for now!



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